Sunday, 5 April 2015


All people are artists.

We are all artists – we like to carve, fill, paint, and spray. Most of all we like to draw. We like to draw interests, reactions, attentions, and we like to draw lines. What is more, we do so in every situation.

From all the things we draw, attention is a bit easier task. It is so because of the passion and need encased within us. We are driven by an energy rising with the heart beats. It is not that difficult a task to dance to the rhythm of the heart, especially when we are zealous and adore the thing we are after!

We see ourselves happily dancing to this lub dub song. So intensely that we keep overlooking every bump and puddle on the way, maneuvering our way smoothly around the pot holes (closely but yet, smoothly). Every morning feels like a fresh poem open to all interpretations. However, there does eventually come a day when we fall short of interpretations, excuses, and reasoning. It is then that our dancing feet begin to stand still- asking for a reason. A reason to why they were dancing? And even more a reason to why they were dancing in the heat, in the rain, around the bumps, and into puddles? Even so, the only reply we have is the lub and the dub.

Although, it is not when our feet stand still to ask questions, but when they start doing so quite often that we may decide that it is time to draw again. This time it shall be a line. It will be the line that is the victim, the criminal, and judge of all. It is the line that then starts deciding which puddles we may dance through, which bumps we shall pause at, and where on the roads we will stop altogether - for once or for all?
Drawing lines is a difficult task. It is at this line where two contradictory forces within us- the heart and the mind are made to shake hands like gentlemen.  Yet, lines turn out to be like several boons in disguise which stand in front of us holding hands.

Though, what is more difficult is to decide ‘when’ to draw the line rather than ‘where’ to draw it.

When we are unhappy dancing?
When we are tired of dancing in the puddles?