Saturday, 15 February 2014


It is true that notions bind us. They tend to hold us back tightly – reluctant to give up, no matter what stands ahead. They feel like a weight pulling us down, like an anchor.
Yet the unfortunate truth is: that everyone is bound by such notions, and it is even more unfortunate when those notions aren't ours.

We often fail to realize that we are bound by others’ notions, and sometimes we fail to see it, but most of the times we chose not to accept the fact that we are bound.
Bound - where we run around seeking opinions and approvals for actions we want to conduct - but from minds and hearts other than our own.

Yet, until the time that we chose not to realize, see, or accept this unfortunate fact – we are doing just fine! It is only when we do realize, see, or accept the fact that a part of our self wants to break free while the rest is still anchored down not yet ready to let the ship sail. It is then that we become this huge mass of energy – contained within an extensively tough shell. There is a want to break free as well as an urge to settle down.

But, life is not ‘settling down’ is it?

So, in times when you feel like venturing into the sea - just go ahead. 
They may tell you it’s not wise.
They may tell you its dark and stormy.
They may tell you that home is where you should be.

Stop for a second and give it a thought, and yet if your heart tells you to go ahead, then just go ahead.
Follow your heart and mind – and let your ship sail.

All you need to do is gather courage and believe in it!

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