Saturday, 19 October 2013


There are times, when we are at a standstill even while we are moving along. Times when happiness, excitement and fear all exist in that one moment of thought. The moment of thought, which is like air waiting to become the wind - determined to blow in a particular direction.

Below are a few lines, dedicated to that one and many moments of thought. Lines to help us hang in there for a little while longer - lines to stir us a little while we wait.

If dark is the place to be:
for tears,
Let it be for smiles as well.

If void is the space to be:
with fears,
Let it be with tries as well.

If still is the way to be:
for dreams,
Let it be for fears as well.

If alone is the state to be:
for you,
Let there be space for strengths as well.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013


There are two lives I live in one. Not once but many times. Do you?

Have you ever found yourself sitting at home and maybe drinking coffee, finishing off an assignment, reading or just staring in the blank space … and thinking that the phone might ring and indulge you in the most interesting conversation ever? Or the door bell might ring and someone you want to see (or not for that matter!) might be waiting there when you open it.

Yes, all of this while you are just sipping your coffee, penning your assignment, reading, or just staring into the blank space. 
Yet, soon awakening you when you start to realize what a pleasant (or again, unpleasant for that matter) detour your mind took off to, often leaving you with a peculiar smile.

I have something for the similar kinds of you and me.

There are two lives that I live in one - two worlds at a time.One:  of stark reality
Other: of pure fascination.One: showing ‘what is’And
Other:  telling ‘what could be’And I find myself slowly melting intoThe magic of my imagination and the beauty of reality.