Sunday, 28 July 2013


In our course of living, we often chose to travel various different paths – wandering alone or accompanied – towards what we like or dislike. And the journey starts with us choosing a path to a place that we either want to or wish to see.

But, sometimes what we want and what we wish we would want are two very different things. They are like two minds of the same being. And if one reflects us … what does the other do?
If we talk about wishes - don't they also do the same thing?

Sometimes if you are lucky, then yes both the paths meet at some place eventually… otherwise I fear they may lead us very far off from where we always wanted to be.

So why would our wishes drive us apart from what we want?

… It maybe because sometimes - we lie. We lie to ourselves and so we lie to the world. We try to disguise we want into what we wish to want. And then we try to carry it along, all the way long – all our lifetimes and sometimes also forgetting that it is just a disguise and nothing more. We try to like it, love it, and make it our life. We wear the disguise ourselves – day in and day out.

Until of course there comes a day, when we wake up and fail to recognize ourselves. The reflection staring back at us is not our reflection at all – the place we have reached is not the place we wanted to reach at all! That is the day, when we are forced to travel back and trace the path - to all the disguises we have worn - and take them off - one by one.

Slowly peeling them off … slowly revealing ourselves. 

Feeling new again. Free of everything else. Just ourselves.
Ready to start again.

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